Tourism in the city of Aqaba is active for a variety of reasons and it is a coastal region located on the Red Sea, and there are beautiful places to visit, Aqaba is a region full of tourists who come to enjoy the wonderful sea and the beautiful atmosphere in it. Aqaba includes the most important projects interested in environmental tourism in Jordan, which is the Aqaba Bird Watching Station, which attracts tens of thousands and possibly millions of migratory birds during its journey between Europe and Africa during the seasons of migration in the fall and spring, and the Aqaba Bird Watch Station project includes a forest for large trees and gardens for trees residing in The region in addition to large bodies of water, all of which play in an integrated way to attract different types of birds, some of which may be rare in the world, which drives many interested in bird watching and bird scientists to visit the region and do the frauds Scientific and research knowledge of birds.